The Gamma ray log measures the natural gamma radiation produced by the disintegration, or decay, of radioactive nuclei in the formation.
Gamma ray logs are helpful for quantifying shaliness, well-to-well correlation, depth correlation between open- and cased-hole logs, and for correlation between logging runs.
The natural gamma probe are helpful for quantifying shaliness, well-to-well correlation, depth correlation between open- and cased-hole logs, and for correlation between logging runs, it is widely used in geosteering horizontal wells.
Natural gamma probe apecifications:
Gamma Detector Type: APIGR
Gamma Realtime: Yes
Recommended Minimum Sample Period: 10 Seconds
Measurement Range: 0~500API
Measurement Accuracy: ±3API (0~150API) ±10API (150~500API)
Max Data Storage Capacity: 110,000 Groups
Sensitivity: Better than 1.6 CPS/API
Vertical Resolution: Better than 130mm
Recommended Measurement Speed: ≤30 m/h
Natural gamma probe applications:
Geosteering horizontal wells.
Detecting approaching bed boundaries with high gamma ray contrast.
Maintaining tight trajectory control when drilling in formations with high steering difficulty.
Drilling horizontals in gas reservoirs where extremely flat trajectories can improve production.
Determining dip direction and detecting fractures via borehole imaging for better reservoir understanding.
Stopping precisely at desired casing/coring points.